OP Counselling

What would a more optimal life look like for you? Reduced stress and anxiety? Stronger relationships at home? Greater balance in life? Moving forward is always easier with a little help.

John Melling is a NZAC registered counsellor based in Christchurch. In person or online, he can help you improve your mental health, process grief and trauma, and work towards what your optimum life could look and feel like.

Counselling for Gamers

Has gaming stopped feeling fun? When the need to keep gaming impacts your diet, sleep, relationships and commitments, it may be time to ask for help.

While there are many links between out-of-control gaming and mental health issues like depression and anxiety, it doesn’t mean that overall, gaming is bad. For many, gaming brings people together, develops critical skills, and can be a lot of fun. 

As a gamer, John understands how video games can be great, as well as powerfully addictive. He can help you strike the right balance and create boundaries, so you can find the fun in life again.

Processing Deep Trauma

Does counseling put you off because you’re still not ready to talk about what happened? Does even thinking about it feel overwhelming?

Deep Brain Reorienting is a relatively new, ‘bottom-up’ therapy that helps people address traumatic events without talking about them or reliving the details. 

If you feel you’re still suffering because of past events, DBR could help you move forward with your life.

About DBR

Optimal Philosophy

Do you have moments where you don’t feel right but can’t place a finger on why? Do you feel like you’re lacking purpose, or simply don’t know who you are?

Exploring your values and what’s important to you can lead to better understanding yourself and your experiences. Optimal Philosophy counselling can help you achieve better outcomes in life that are more in-line with your deeper connection to who you are and why you’re here.

Counselling Christchurch

OP Counselling Ltd. is GST Registered.